Modern Slavery Policy

At IPC, we are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our business operations. We recognize that modern slavery and human trafficking are grave violations of human rights and are firmly committed to preventing these abuses within our organization and supply chains. This Modern Slavery Policy outlines our commitment to eradicating modern slavery and sets out the steps we take to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Our Commitment

IPC is dedicated to the principles of ethical business conduct, respect for human rights, and the elimination of modern slavery in all its forms. We are committed to:

  1. Complying with all relevant laws and regulations related to modern slavery, including the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and other international standards where applicable.

  2. Ensuring that our employees, contractors, and suppliers understand and support our commitment to combat modern slavery.

  3. Implementing effective due diligence processes to identify and mitigate risks related to modern slavery within our business operations and supply chains.

  4. Encouraging transparency and accountability throughout our supply chains by working with suppliers who share our values and principles.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and suppliers of IPC worldwide. We expect our suppliers and contractors to adhere to similar principles and take steps to combat modern slavery within their own operations and supply chains.

Risk Assessment

To effectively identify and assess the risk of modern slavery within our organization and supply chains, IPC will:

  1. Regularly review our business activities, supply chains, and labor practices to identify areas of potential risk.

  2. Conduct risk assessments and audits to evaluate suppliers' compliance with our Modern Slavery Policy.

  3. Collaborate with industry partners, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations to stay informed about potential risks and best practices.

Training and Awareness

We will ensure that our employees, contractors, and suppliers understand the importance of preventing modern slavery and are aware of our Modern Slavery Policy. This includes:

  1. Providing training to employees and contractors on recognizing and reporting signs of modern slavery.

  2. Raising awareness among our suppliers and contractors about our commitment to ethical business practices and the expectation that they will adhere to similar standards.

Reporting Mechanisms

We encourage all employees, contractors, and suppliers to report any concerns related to modern slavery without fear of retaliation. Reports can be made through our confidential reporting mechanisms, which are available to all stakeholders.

Continuous Improvement

IPC is committed to continuous improvement in its efforts to combat modern slavery. We will regularly review and update our Modern Slavery Policy and related procedures to ensure their effectiveness.


IPC is unwavering in its commitment to eradicating modern slavery in all its forms. We will work tirelessly to promote ethical business practices, transparency, and accountability throughout our organization and supply chains. Together, we can make a significant contribution to the global effort to eliminate modern slavery.

This Modern Slavery Policy is approved by IPC's management and will be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary to ensure its relevance and effectiveness.

Date: 03/03/22

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