Prepare for your first audit ISO 9001:2015

In this informative article, we will guide you through the steps to effectively prepare for your ISO 9001:2015 audit.

An ISO 9001:2015 audit is a critical process that evaluates an organization's quality management system (QMS) to ensure compliance with the international standard's requirements. Successfully passing the audit is essential for maintaining ISO certification and demonstrating your commitment to delivering quality products and services.

Step 1: Review the ISO 9001:2015 Standard

Before you begin the audit preparation, thoroughly review the ISO 9001:2015 standard. Familiarize yourself with the requirements and clauses to ensure you understand the scope and objectives of the QMS. Pay special attention to any updates or changes from previous versions to align your practices accordingly.

Step 2: Conduct an Internal Audit

Perform an internal audit of your QMS. This self-assessment will help you identify any gaps or non-conformities with the ISO 9001:2015 standard. Assign trained internal auditors or hire external consultants to conduct the audit objectively and comprehensively. Document the findings, and develop action plans to address any non-conformities or areas for improvement.

Step 3: Define the Scope and Boundaries

Clearly define the scope and boundaries of your QMS. Identify the processes, products, and services that are within the scope of the audit. Ensure that all relevant functions and departments are included and that there are no ambiguities about the extent of the audit.

Step 4: Prepare Documentation

Organize and prepare all necessary documentation for the audit. This includes the quality manual, documented procedures, work instructions, records, and other evidence of your QMS implementation. Ensure that these documents are readily accessible and up-to-date.

Step 5: Train Employees

Train your employees on the ISO 9001:2015 standard and the requirements of your QMS. Everyone involved should understand their roles, responsibilities, and the importance of following documented processes. Training empowers employees to contribute actively to the QMS and perform at their best during the audit.

Step 6: Conduct Mock Audits

Perform mock audits to simulate the real audit process. These practice audits can help your team become more comfortable with the audit procedure and identify any potential weaknesses or areas needing improvement. Use the findings to fine-tune your QMS before the official audit.

Step 7: Engage Top Management

Engage top management in the audit preparation process. Ensure that they fully support and understand the importance of ISO 9001:2015 compliance. Their commitment will demonstrate the organization's dedication to quality and motivate others to actively participate in the audit.

Step 8: Plan for the Audit Day

Create a detailed audit schedule, indicating when auditors will visit different areas and interview specific employees. Assign employees to accompany auditors during their visits and ensure they are available during their allotted times. Provide necessary resources and support to facilitate a smooth audit process.

Step 9: Address Corrective Actions

Address any non-conformities identified during the internal audit promptly. Implement corrective actions and conduct follow-up reviews to verify the effectiveness of the solutions. Be prepared to discuss these actions and their outcomes during the official audit.

Step 10: Stay Calm and Transparent

During the audit, maintain a calm and transparent attitude. Be open and honest in your responses to auditor questions. If you don't know the answer to a question, don't guess; instead, offer to find the information and get back to the auditor later.


Preparing for your ISO 9001:2015 audit requires thorough planning, meticulous documentation, and a commitment to continuous improvement. By reviewing the standard, conducting internal audits, defining the scope, training employees, conducting mock audits, engaging top management, planning for the audit day, addressing corrective actions, and maintaining transparency during the audit, you can ensure a successful audit outcome and reinforce your organization's commitment to delivering quality products and services. Remember that an ISO 9001:2015 certification is not a one-time achievement but an ongoing commitment to excellence and continuous improvement.


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